Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Platypus is a mammal that lays eggs. It has webbed feet. Platypus lives in Australia. It is venomous. It has a duck bill, otter feet and beaver tail. The male platypus has a spur on the hind foot that can deliver the venom and cause pain to humans. An Australian 20 cent coin has an image of a platypus.

We live in Arlington - we cannot get a platypus as a pet. Platypus is a carnivore. It eats shrimp and worms, like that one on the left (anelid worm). Every day the platypus needs to eat one fifth of his weight in food.

This picture on the right is the platypus’ foot with the venomous spur. Platypus does not make a good pet because it has a venomous spur, it eats a lot and its poop smells. When animals flex their muscles they send electric signals.That’s how the platypus finds its prey. It is called “electrolocation”. Platypus find its food by digging with its bill at the bottom of streams where he dives. It swims only by its front feet. And it uses its rear feet to steer.

This is two platypus eggs and an Australian 20 cent coin. They are very small. In the picture down below - these little platipi are young. They just hatched.


  1. I recently finished up a class called the Evolution of Earth and Life; it was basically a historical geology class. I enjoyed, even though I didn't get the greatest grade. We spoke aout crabs and some of the other animals you have featured on your page. I just figured I'd follow your page and maybe something will stick this time.

